An Idea Arrives
30 Apr 2011
In my quest for code adventure, I’ve decided to engage in a project with no practical purpose for anybody else. It has been a long time since I have taken a project to completion. Humor me in this absolutely pointless project; I know that I could probably solve my made-up problem with a Sharpie, but that would not be in the spirit of Rube Goldberg.
###The Inspiration

As one who listens to music, and listens to it on vinyl as often as I can, I have observed that some of my record jackets are not holding up. Luckily, there are sources for blank record jackets and sleeves for fairly low prices. The question is, how do I know which record is which?
###The Solution

I intend to build a simple web application to organize my record collection. I will be keeping track of the albums, the artists, the songs, and any other information I might find useful. In the second phase of the project, I will be able to print out labels for each of the records with all of the album info to place on blank jackets. The third phase of the project will be adding QR codes to the labels and building an android app to quickly grab additional information about each record. I have a few other ideas to extend this project, but it would be best to just tackle one small part at a time.
So, that is the rough plan. I’ve done some work on phase one already, and I can post about that soon.