Portfolio Image Pipelines
27 May 2016
This week has been focused on porting my old personal website from Jekyll to Hugo. I was hoping there would be good fodder for a blog post in that, but it turns out that the conversion is pretty boring. Hugo is a lot like what Jekyll is slowly trying to become. There are a few things that I miss from Jekyll, like the asset pipeline, but that always felt a little bit tacked on. There are a lot of things in Jekyll that feel tacked on (I write on this blog powered by Jekyll).

Drop the Needle 35mm Ilford HP5+ B&W Film
One of the photos featured in my portfolio on my personal site
I really didn’t have too many interesting problems or solutions with the Hugo transition. Templating has been pretty easy, especially since I’m already quite familiar with Go Templates, and Hugo includes a nice selection of helper functions. Content organization is a little confusing if you don’t read all of the documentation, but once you understand it, it makes a lot of sense. I’m still on the fence when it comes to some of the layout vs content organization, but it works out well.
I did have to come up with a new asset pipeline, especially as I intend to deploy from Travis CI. I’ve been using Sass for my stylesheets since I built this site out with the Bourbon, Neat, and Bitters libraries, and I wanted to continue to use this setup for my stylesheets. As I began working on a new version of the personal site on Jekyll, I found that keeping these external dependencies in the repository was becoming a hassle for upkeep. So, when I shifted over to Hugo, with no asset pipeline, I decided to use npm and Gulp to manage the Sass, JavaScript, and other static assets.
I quickly put together some tasks to pull in Sass for Bourbon, normalize, and Font Awesome. It was also pretty easy to add a task for the Font Awesome font files. It was not so easy to get responsive image resizing with Gulp.
I found that Gulp was not the right tool for me to create responsive image sizes for the site. This personal site is mainly a portfolio of my art and music projects, so photos and scanned versions of linocuts make up a large part of the content. I tried a couple different methods with Gulp, but they all had some C or C++ dependency at the end of the chain that made me not want to include it in build scripts – not evil or bad dependencies, just dependencies. I did a little bit of searching, found a nice Imaging Package for Go, and I built my own tool. Borrowing from the résumé updating tool I recently built, along with some other tools I’ve built for batch processing from the command line, I built a quick and easy, application-specific build tool that will seamlessly work with any deployment script without dependency Hell. The portfolio-images command does exactly what I want.
I built it today, and there is at least one major design change that I have planned, but it works. The flags and a few other bits were pulled straight from resume-update, with a little extra to work. I could go through what I’ve done here, but it would be very little more than what you could read on other posts here. Instead, I think I will save the good parts for next week. I hope to have the current program flow for the command made into nice concurrent pipelines very soon. I did try to organize things to make that process easier. If you are feeling up to a little concurrency fun, please send me a pull request with a solution. I think it will be fun.