My latest rants and raves
I’ll start by acknowledging the fact that it has been too long since I have updated this blog. I got bored and had no collaborators for the pyFidelity project, so I stopped.
As I work through this project, I will be sharing some of what I think are
interesting choices that I make. I have started building out the model classes
as outlined in The Basic Schema. The
relationship was the first to be built.
With some of the tools chosen, it is time to create my database schema, or
something like it. Below is my first guess at what the basic organization should
be. Notice that Songs
and Tracks
are separate. This reflects the reality of
being intangible objects while Tracks
are physical manifestations of
those Songs
. Tracks
are the shadows on the wall of the cave (thank you,
This choice was really the first one I actually had to ruminate on. Once I wrote down my highest priority criteria for database engine selection, I was able to come to a clear conclusion. Let me take you through the process.
In part 1, I explored language choice; in part 2, I explored framework choice; today, I will briefly discuss source control.
In Part I, I spent time belittling all but the languages that make me happy (Python and Go). I didn’t explain exactly why I ultimately chose Python; in the end, the architecture/framework choice pushed me into the Python camp.
I’m a firm believer in the aphorism above. So, in that spirit, I will now expose the process I used in choosing the tools for my project. At the risk of offending language zealots, I will be perfectly blunt; I can’t stand some of these languages, and I only put them here to belittle them.
In my quest for code adventure, I’ve decided to engage in a project with no practical purpose for anybody else. It has been a long time since I have taken a project to completion. Humor me in this absolutely pointless project; I know that I could probably solve my made-up problem with a Sharpie, but that would not be in the spirit of Rube Goldberg.
Not that I haven’t been having code adventures for quite some time, but this week I will start a new, more focused, adventure. I’ll go ahead and post the seeds of my first project this weekend. Look forward to some awesomeness that you’ve probably never heard of…